Heartfelt Greetings

from Paula Rutherford

Getpix Photography - Afrika Burn portrait image: john roux

IMAGE: JOHN ROUX - Afrika Burn


upwards and onwards

I started my life in England, but things got interesting when our parents packed up we three sisters, and emigrated to South Africa aboard the Pendennis Castle Line when I was 10-years-old.

Zoom in a bit, and ten years later, I graduated as a mechanical draughtswoman, designing underground drilling equipment for the mining industry. Not your everyday job, right?

During the next decade I taught CAD (Computer Aided Design).

Then, the universe decided it was time for a plot twist and


My husband, Gavin and I, had the fantastic opportunity to expand our horizon for nine exhilarating years. We lived, travelled and 100% experienced, the lesser known countries of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, filtering across and down to Turkey and Mozambique.

What an experience. What an honour.

It was during this time period that photography shook my roots. I photographed first on film and then moved across to digital, capturing every person and nuance along the road. Always ready for a new challenge, I became an English radio announcer in a Russian, pre-communistic, dilapidated building - for which I was paid the handsome sum of $1 a day. I sold my images, wrote articles and photographed for a local magazine, plagiaristically named National Geographic as well as for Lale Magazine in Turkey. In addition I created English courses and taught delightful expatriate children and their mothers from Korea, Japan and Germany.

Eventually, we boomeranged back to South Africa.

Thirteen fantastic years ensued, where I birthed and nurtured Getpix Creative College. I employed 14 dedicated staff and instructors and together we taught in excess of 2300 part time and 1 year students studying: photography, graphic design, make up artistry and sound engineering.

Covid arrived and Getpix pivoted, deciding to focus solely on photography courses.

We now offer a 9-month, personalized, career-driven photographic course, as well as shorter courses and cool stuff like corporate photoshoots and photographic tours in South Africa and beyond.

Now it is my time. Join me!